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Akeem al Harun

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fiese Kampftaktik unter Vögeln: :disturbed:



Taken at Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, this image shows a fight between a redheaded woodpecker and a yellow-shafted northern flicker over a nest hole. The redheaded woodpeckers tried to chase away the intruding flickers but after this encounter, the fight was over. The flicker managed to grab the redheaded by its tongue and force it all the way down to the ground. Both birds spiraled while falling to the ground. It must have been painful as the redheaded gave up after this clash.

—Caption by Martin Lukasiewicz




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fiese Kampftaktik unter Vögeln: :disturbed:



Taken at Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, this image shows a fight between a redheaded woodpecker and a yellow-shafted northern flicker over a nest hole. The redheaded woodpeckers tried to chase away the intruding flickers but after this encounter, the fight was over. The flicker managed to grab the redheaded by its tongue and force it all the way down to the ground. Both birds spiraled while falling to the ground. It must have been painful as the redheaded gave up after this clash.

—Caption by Martin Lukasiewicz





Wow :thumbs:

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Passt, heute ist Dienstag... :agadur:


Die Sendung lief unter folgenden Bezeichnungen:


* Montagsspaß (20 Folgen, 1980-1981)

* Spaß am Montag (54 Folgen, 1980-1983)

* Spaß am Dienstag (340 Folgen, 3. Januar 1984 bis 24. November 1992, teils mit Zusatz „mit Thomas und Zini“ oder „mit Werner und Zini“)

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