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Akeem al Harun

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Daily Mail - und manchmal sind Fremdsprachenkenntnisse eben doch vorteilhaft.


Kommentar dazu:

"I’m sorry but this is now so irresistibly hilarious I am beginning to think it is just a very clever piece of satire.

The grand tour by which a bloke from Bristol was to bring enlightenment to the poor benighted people of the Third World runs into trouble even before he gets out of Dover.

Guess what – the ferry company refused to give our intrepid traveller a free ticket. Who’d have thunk it?

Mission over – or almost. Luckily Katie’s mum - who clearly has no more sense than her daughter – coughs up the moolah for what turns out to be little more than a day trip to France.

But then disaster strikes. Once across the channel Saoirse (does it rhyme with arse?) discovers something that had clearly not occurred to him in all the meticulous planning for his trip - astonishingly the people in France speak French!

Wow, who knew?

So Saoirse heads back to the UK – courtesy of Katie’s mum - tail between his legs but determined to learn this thing called “French”.

Tremendous fun, although I’m not sure what has been achieved here.

Saoirse is clearly learning valuable lessons – such as not everyone in the world speaks English.

And Katie’s mum has found a new and innovative way of emptying her bank account.

But I suppose world enlightenment is going to have to wait a little while.

But please Saoirse don’t give up.

The comedy value is simply too precious.

If Saoirse manages to get across the Channel again I am looking forward to his reaction if he ever reaches Italy or Germany.

Guess what – they don’t speak English either!"

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