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Netter Test .... Es hilft, wenn man weiblich ist. http://www.playbuzz.com/charl...

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"You are a true Victorian!

Congrats, you would survive the Victorian era! You have a great knack for creativity and resourcefulness, and you are flexible enough to go without modern luxuries. Yet again, you are also appreciative of the lost arts of the Victorian era and you enjoy beauty and its implementation into everyday life. If you were transported back in time, you'd fare well!"

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"You are a true Victorian!

Congrats, you would survive the Victorian era! You have a great knack for creativity and resourcefulness, and you are flexible enough to go without modern luxuries. Yet again, you are also appreciative of the lost arts of the Victorian era and you enjoy beauty and its implementation into everyday life. If you were transported back in time, you'd fare well!"



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