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Guten Tag,


ich bin eine Dänische fan von Midgard, und habe nur die Dänische Bücher, die hier in Dänemark verfügbar sind. Schade ist meinem Deutsch begrentzt und mein Grammatik schrecklich - so ich hoffe das est in ordnung sein, das ich auf Englisch schreiben.


Here in Denmark we had the 1992 rulebook released - as I understand it, this was M2? and now there are M4 rules? Have any of these ever been translated to english? and what are the major differences from M2 to M4? More races to play, classes, spells etc? Also, in the danish translated rulebook, you could only advance to level 5, I take it that has also been expanded on?


Entschuldigen Sie, das ich nicht ein Champion von Deutsch bin - ich hoffe Sie können mit einer Mischung von Englisch und Deutsch leben. Und Vielen Dank für die Antwort.

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Hi and welcome to this forum! :wave:


There are no official danish rules, Midgard has always been a german produkt. But Norden, one of our members and living in Copenhagen, published some subset of the rules in 1992. He wrote, that it was named "Minimidgard" and is from "Happy Ents". I don't know if it is based on M2 or M3.


There is another member living in Denmark, Krayon. Perhaps you write a personal message to them and they could help you?

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And now in this year Midgard 5 will be published. We don´t know much about the new rules, but it seems, they will be differnt from Midgard 4. If you decide to translate the Midgardrules, in my opinion it would be better to wait until M5 is available.


(Das Englisch liest sich schon für mich gruselig.)

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  • 3 Wochen später...

Hi Ronnifich,


sorry for the late answer, I'm a rare guest here these days :) . The danish translation was based on a simplified introductory version of Midgard. We never attempted a translation of Midgard-3 as the massive workload never would pay off. Midgard hasn't been translated to english for the same reason.


The 6 books we produced back then will be published as free pdf hopefully this year, but with the full rules I can't help you.




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The differences M2 to M3 were significant - lots more classes, more spells, more skills, though not a lot of additional races (if any - I think Gnomes were new at some point, but they aren't played too often, at least not without house rules, as they have very low AP). Nevertheless, there are substantially more options in terms of characters, character concepts, character development etc (and the same of course also for the other side - there's also much more variety for foes and opponents!).

M3 to M4 was a more gradual adaptation, although again some changes were significant. M3 characters can in most cases be modified to conform to M4, and M3 adventures can be played under M4 rules without too much trouble.

Now of course there is M5 to imminently look forward to; the general expectation is that it will again be a relatively gradual advance from M4, but that instead of "more" the emphasis will this time be on "faster, leaner, simpler".

In each case the rulebook covers characters up to level 15, although at some point between level 9 and perhaps 12 (opinions vary) you do begin to notice that you're pushing at the edge of the envelope.


Any translations that don't strictly stay with the translator would of course need to be approved by the VFSF.


Enjoy the game!

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