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Test: Welche mystische, mittelalterliche Rasse wärst du?


Empfohlene Beiträge

Mae govannen!

You scored as Elf.


You are a Elf.. Not as wise as a wizard, but wiser than any other race. You are respectful, graceful, and pleasant. You're main power use is magic but you are good at fighting and ranging too. (ranging being you're speciality in fighting) which is one thing you have over a wizard.


Elf 71%

Wizard 63%

Nymph 50%

Human 46%

Dwarf 46%

Dark Magic User 33%


Viele Grüße


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Ok, ich habe den Test auch gemacht, und bin. Man staune ein Elf.


You scored as Elf.




You are a Elf.. Not as wise as a wizard, but wiser than any other race. You are respectful, graceful, and pleasant. You're main power use is magic but you are good at fighting and ranging too. (ranging being you're speciality in fighting) which is one thing you have over a wizard.


Elf 75%

Dark Magic User 58%

Human 42%

Wizard 42%

Nymph 38%

Dwarf 38%

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You scored as Wizard.

You are a Wizard, wise, powerful, and strong in magic. You may be good or evil. You believe wisdom is the key and are a good person to go to for adice.


Wizard 79%

Elf 67%

Dwarf 42%

Human 33%

Dark Magic User 29%

Nymph 21%


Es gibt schlimmeres! :D Wie ich als Mann zu 21% bei Nymph komme ist mir ja ein Rätsel. :confused:

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  • 4 Monate später...

You scored as a Elf

You are a Elf.. Not as wise as a wizard, but wiser than any other race. You are respectful, graceful, and pleasant. You're main power use is magic but you are good at fighting and ranging too. (ranging being you're speciality in fighting) which is one thing you have over a wizard.


Elf 63%


Human 63%


Dwarf 50%


Wizard 42%


Nymph 38%


Dark Magic User 33%



Toll, warum denn nicht gleich Halbelf??? :?:

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You scored as a Elf

You are a Elf.. Not as wise as a wizard, but wiser than any other race. You are respectful, graceful, and pleasant. You're main power use is magic but you are good at fighting and ranging too. (ranging being you're speciality in fighting) which is one thing you have over a wizard.

Elf		63%

Wizard		54%

Dark Magic User	38%

Human		33%

Dwarf		29%

Nymph		29%

Die halten mich echt für weiser, als ich unterstützen kann :dozingoff:

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What Medieval race are you? (Kool Pics)

You scored as a Dark Magic User

You are a Dark Magic user....which means your race could be a wizard, witch, elf, or even a Nymph gone to the bad...however you are mysterious, obviously evil, and absolutely hate anything nice or happy. I don't even want to know what you do to your enimies....eek!


Dark Magic User 92%


Dwarf 83%


Human 83%


Elf 50%


Nymph 42%


Wizard 17%



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